Jill McIntyre
Jill McIntyre background as a Beyond Success Life Coach is invaluable when working within a business structure. Her skills on reading people and the power of good listening are a necessity when dealing with the public on any bases. She shares these skills with her clients and their staff to support growth, equating to increased revenue and turnover.
- As a business coach, seminar presenter and business trainer in the financial and property sectors, Jill currently trains business owners and their teams in leadership, sales and presentation skills.
- Jill works within small to medium sized businesses, bringing her passion, focus and expertise to each of the businesses she works within. The experience gained whilst running her own businesses within the hospitality industry, real estate and property sectors plus building upon her online income streams, has been a must to be able to “walk her talk”.
- Her belief is that leadership and good management skills are a must within any prosperous business, and she brings a wide knowledge base of implementation and systemization that allows owner/operators to work on their business, rather than in them.
- Jill’s background as a Beyond Success Life Coach is invaluable when working within a business structure. Her skills on reading people and the power of good listening are a necessity when dealing with the public on any bases. She shares these skills with her clients and their staff to support growth, equating to increased revenue and turnover.
- She strongly believes in the benefits from having a business coach working within the structure of every business. As a business coach, Jill will be your training co-ordinator, marketing manager, sales director, partner, and confidante. She guarantees you will see a return on your investment that is beyond your expectations.
- Jill’s legacy to her children Angela and Stuart, is to lead by example and to be empowered to reach out and achieve what ever they set there minds too! Her Life Coaching website shares more of her insight www.YourPersonalRoadmapToSuccess.com
- Jill comes with a new set of eyes and a very different approach and viewpoint when looking at any new business. The 3 vital points that most business owners seek is more time out, increased cash flow and to bring balance back into there busy lives. She works relentlessly on each of these points together with the owners and their staff, as she brings them into being.
Jill McIntyre can be reached at;