Julie Blackburn
Julie has a real passion for businesses and what makes them tick. Her unique ability to see the big picture and break that vision down to the details required to achieve your goals makes her an exceptional business coach with an outstanding track record. Every business Julie has been involved in has grown significantly under her guidance. Do you and your business require someone to turn your engine room into a well oiled machine whilst progressing your big picture vision? Are you ready to grow your business beyond your expectations?
- As the General Manager of Beyond Success, Julie currently operates and develops a multi million-dollar business on a daily basis.
- Julie has a passion for understanding what makes businesses tick. She believes in creating and implementing comprehensive operating systems to take small, medium and large businesses to an exceptional level. Julie also understands that the process of recruiting, training and fostering key team members is imperative to any organisation’s success and continued growth.
- Born into a family with extensive business interests and connections, Julie has been exposed to all aspects of what it takes to run a successful company. Her uncanny ability to analyse an organisation’s strengths and weaknesses and implement the change required to break through to the next level is the result of years spent observing and participating in the family (and other) businesses.
- Julie’s business experience includes working within the hospitality and tourism industries, the personal development sector, food production and health related organisations, casinos, and community and football clubs.
- Julie has a strong philanthropic motivation and is a patron of The Better Life Foundation. This not for profit organisation’s mission is to change the world through education, opportunity, support and sustainable growth. In addition to building a school, the Foundation is currently educating the adults in a village in Fiji in small business principles and practices. The participants who submit a viable business plan are loaned start up capital, with a long-term repayment plan, so that they can experience building a sustainable business. The foundation then recoups the funds to reinvest in other communities.
- Julie lives in the centre of Canberra and enjoys spending time with her friends and family. Her non-vocational passions are music production and fast cars!
- Julie also enjoys mentoring young people. She loves helping them find where they fit in life and empowering them to achieve their goals. The experience of seeing someone realise that life can be different is immensely rewarding to her. As a business Coach, Julie can assist any organisation in achieving their goals, but she has a soft spot for working with young business operators.
Julie Blackburn can be reached at;